
Breast cancer screening


Breast screening supports early detection of cancer and is estimated to save 1,400 lives in England each year. This indicator provides an opportunity to incentivise screening promotion and other local initiatives to increase coverage of breast screening. Improvements in coverage would mean more breast cancers are detected at earlier, more treatable stages.

Anyone registered with a GP as female will be invited for NHS breast screening every 3 years between the ages of 50 and 71. NHS breast screening uses X-rays, called mammograms, to look for cancers that are too small to see or feel.

Data Overview

The indicators below represent the number of eligible women aged between 53 and 70, registered to the practice on the last day of the time period, who have had a breast screening test result recorded in the past 36 months, divided by the total number of eligible people. Please note for the trend data, for all periods up to an including 2021/22, the age cohort used is 50-70 years old and for the most recent data for 2022/23 the age cohort is 53-70 years old. This is due a reporting change from OHID, reflecting that a first invite is sent at any point between a patient's 50th and 53rd birthday.

Oldham's latest breast screening coverage rate of 63.9% is below the North West average of 65.8% and the England rate of 66.6%. Rates of coverage took a decline during 2020/21, most likely due to the impacts of availability of screening during Covid-19 and have since recovered. However, rates have not yet returned to pre-pandemic levels across Oldham, North West or England. Oldham has the 4th lowest breast screening rate across Greater Manchester. Manchester and Salford have noticeably lower rates at 53% and 52% respectively. Variations between Oldham GP practices are vast, with the highest coverage rate at Saddleworth Medical Practice (74%) and the lowest rate at John Street Medical Practice (31%).

Figure 1: Breast cancer screening coverage trend
Source: NHS England, Breast Screening Programme

Figure 2: Breast cancer screening coverage across Greater Manchester
Source: NHS England, Breast Screening Programme 

Figure 3: Breast cancer screening coverage across Oldham GP practiceSource: NHS England, Breast Screening Programme 

Further Information & Resources

Cancer Research UK
Information on breast screening from Cancer Research UK

OHID Cancer Services Data Profiles
Data and Information relating to breast cancer screening

NHS Breast Cancer Screening Information
Information for patients from the NHS relating to breast cancer screening


Health and Wellbeing Board

Oldham Council

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