
A&E attendences


Accident and Emergency (A&E) hospital attendances in children aged under five years are often preventable, and commonly caused by accidental injury or by minor illnesses which could have been treated in primary care. This section explores A&E attendance data for children living in Oldham across 3 age groups; up to one year, up to 4 years and up to 18 years of age.

Data overview

Oldham's A&E attendance rates in children were comparable to the national averages for 2022/23 but lower than the North West averages across all age groups (figure 1). Oldham ranks mid level when compared across Greater Manchester for all age groups at 4th lowest for under one year olds, 5th lowest for 0-4 years and 5th lowest for 0-18 year olds (figures 2,3 & 4).

Figure 1: A&E attendances by age band, crude rate per 1,000Source: OHID based on NHS Digital, Hospital Episode Statistics (HES)

Figure 2: A&E attendances across Greater Manchester, children under one year, crude rate per 1,000Source: OHID based on NHS Digital, Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) 

Figure 3: A&E attendances across Greater Manchester, children 0-4 years, crude rate per 1,000Source: OHID based on NHS Digital, Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) 

Figure 4: A&E attendances across Greater Manchester, children 0-18 years, crude rate per 1,000Source: OHID based on NHS Digital, Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) 

Further Information & Resources

NHS England A&E Attendances and Emergency Admissions Statistics
The Weekly and Monthly A&E Attendances and Emergency Admissions collection collects the total number of attendances in the specified period for all A&E types, including Urgent Treatment Centres, Minor Injury Units and Walk-in Centres, and of these, the number discharged, admitted or transferred within four hours of arrival.
Also included are the number of Emergency Admissions, and any waits of over four hours for admission following decision to admit.

OHID's Child and Maternal Health Data Profile
Additional data and information relating to A&E attendances in children.



Health and Wellbeing Board

Oldham Council

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